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Syllabus of NMAT
NMAT 2021 is a national level MBA entrance test based on the computer that leads one to MBA admission 2022 in some of the top MBA colleges like SPJIMR Mumbai (PGMPW), NMIMS Mumbai, XIM Bhubaneswar, ISB (Certificate program), VIT Vellore, and many other MBA colleges available in India. The NMAT 2021 dates for NMAT registration are from August to November 2021 which is Conducted by GMAC, and the NMAT exam is scheduled from October to December 2021.
NMAT exam syllabus for the year 2021 for the NMAT exam has been modified and updated due to the alterations in the 2021 NMAT exam structure. Therefore to prepare well for the NMAT exams this year, it is extremely important for anyone to follow the modified NMAT syllabus of the year 2021. GMAC (The Graduate Management Admission Council), after revising the 2021 NMAT syllabus, they have released the NMAT preparation guide along with the previous test papers.
The 2021 NMAT Exam Pattern is as follows
NMAT is a very moderate hard-level exam. The GMAC has now introduced some key changes in the NMAT examination pattern since last year due to the Covid pandemic situation. The 2021 NMAT offers the facility to retake the examination in case the candidate’s exam score on the first attempt is not very satisfactory.
The candidate can view their NMAT 2021 exam results in 48 hours of taking their exam and then can decide if to apply to any business school or to retake the test depending upon their comfort and satisfaction with the scores they have obtained in their first attempt. It offers the admission opportunity in more than 30 MBA Colleges and Universities apart from Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), Mumbai.
The 2021 NMAT exam pattern is very similar to the other leading national-level MBA entrance exams like CAT and XAT. It will totally be a computer-based test with the MCQ question types.
There are 3 sections in the NMAT pattern. The sections are Language Skills, Quantitative Skills, and Logical Reasoning. All three sections in the NMAT examination are individually timed. Moreover, there is no negative marking in the exam.
In what way the questions are Generated for all the aspirants from the NMAT Syllabus?
The NMAT tests conducted by the GMAC examination give each and every candidate a randomly produced test from a collection of questions which will be delivered one at a time.
The total number of questions, its difficulty levels, and the allotted time limit for each of the sections are predetermined. Under normal conditions, all these things are the same regardless of when and where the test is allocated.
The competitors have a choice of their own of selecting the order or the sequence of the examination sections that begin with any of the three sections i.e the Quantitative Skills, Language Skills, and the section of Logical Reasoning. These sections are individually timed and the order, once they are chosen by the candidate, cannot be changed after.
The revised NMAT Syllabus 2021
The year 2021 NMAT Syllabus along with the three major sections that are on the English Language, Quant and Logical Reasoning is revised with the sectional changes and many various types of questions that appears in each of the section of the NMAT exam. Every year GMAC releases the changes and alterations in the NMAT syllabus with test-taking strategy and the anticipated type of questions that may come in the exam as per that year’s NMAT exam syllabus.
The 20201 NMAT Exam Syllabus: Composition
The 2021 NMAT Syllabus is found to be divided into the three major sections as given below. The number of questions that appears in each section of the NMAT is also different. The questions are of MCQ type and are to be answered within the given time limit by the authority. Nonetheless, the candidate is always allowed to choose the way of the order of sections before starting to solve the NMAT exam question paper. But once he or she has decided the order of the sections for the test, he or she can not change it later.
Section Name | Number of Question | Allotted sectional time in minutes |
Language skills | 36 | 28 |
Quantitative skills | 36 | 52 |
Logical Reasoning | 36 | 40 |
Total | 108 | 120 |
The overall structure of the 2021 NMAT revised syllabus covers the following major topics in each of all major the three sections:
NMAT Syllabus 2021 for the Language Skills section:-
- Total number of Questions: 36
- Total time Limit allotted to Attempt the particular Section: 28 Minutes
The Language Skills section in 2021 NMAT revised Syllabus of NMAT by GMAC exam covers some of the main topics to test the Reading Comprehension, Verbal Ability and the English Language Skills. The Language Skills section as per the NMAT syllabus will test the candidate on the following major topics that are spread in three-wide segments and they are:-
- Vocabulary
- Grammar
- Comprehension
The question types that one can anticipate in the 2021 NMAT by GMAC exam within each of these areas are given below:
The 2021 NMAT Syllabus for Vocabulary segment are
- Antonyms
- Synonyms
- Cloze Test
- Analogies
- Fill in the Blanks
The 2021 NMAT Syllabus for the Grammar segment are
- Identify the Error
- Choose the Correct Preposition
The 2021 NMAT Syllabus 2021 for the Comprehension segment are
- Reading Comprehension
- Para jumbles
How to complete the 2021 NMAT Syllabus on Language Skills. Here are some key tips-
- The syllabus for the 2021 NMAT test on Language Skills is very well defined. There will be a total number of 32 questions in the section of Language Skills on the NMAT by GMAC exam. The candidate needs to attempt this section in the time allotted 22 minutes.
- The Language Skills syllabus for the 2021 NMAT exam will have questions on all the three major areas of English i.e vocabulary, grammar and comprehension.
- The candidate has to manage his or her time very carefully. He or she has an average of like 40 seconds for each question, but he or she will have to some more time while answering the Reading Comprehension questions as he or she has to take their sweet time to read the whole passage completely and care to answer the following questions. Your target should be 30 seconds each for the rest of the questions, which will give you around 10-11 minutes to attempt the 7-8 Reading Comprehension questions that will appear on the test.
- The candidate has to ensure that he or she practices the variation of questions in an adequate number to get their timing correct. It is extremely important for the grammar questions as they will need to remember all the important grammar rules in the language.
- The candidate needs to identify and strengthen their weak areas by maintaining an error sheet for themselves.
- The candidate needs to improve their reading comprehension as the fast and correct they read, the more time for them and as well as improve their vocabulary. To cover this part, they can start reading some well-written books, or a good daily newspaper in English, every day. He or she must ensure special attention to the Editorial section of the daily newspaper as it has the most enriching vocabulary of the whole newspaper.
- The candidate must improve their vocabulary and need to write down any new word you that may come across them while reading the newspaper or the book and go through it every day and along with it he or she can learn the word usage.
- An important tip is not to speculate the things and avoid using the real-world knowledge on RC based questions.
The 2021 NMAT Syllabus for the Logical Reasoning section:-
- Total number of Questions: 36
- Time Limit to allotted to attempt the particular Section: 40 Minutes
The questions that are covered in the 2021 NMAT Exam Syllabus for this section are all based on the Analytical Reasoning, Critical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning and series completion in NMAT by GMAC. NMAT Exam 2021 Syllabus on Logical Reasoning section is constructed in a way to measure the candidate’s ability to understand and synthesize the information that is given in the question below in the test, without looking for or checking the trust or accuracy of that information.
The questions that are based on 2021 NMAT Exam Syllabus topics, in this section it will be asked to draw inferences from the statements, to choose between the strong and the weak arguments of both the sides, to identify the assumptions unspoken within the innocuous-looking testimonies and even to arrive at a decision in the light of the given information provided to them.
The candidates are also required to use their logical thinking skills on the questions in the test that require them to decipher both the numerical and visual patterns and the series that make sense of the relationships and comprehend the directions. And while preparing as per the 2021 NMAT Exam Syllabus, to crack the Logical Reasoning section questions on the test, one should really focus only on the information that is given to them and need not use any of their own personal knowledge, experiences or assumptions to affect their judgment.
The Logical Reasoning section on the NMAT by GMAC Examination tests the candidates on the two broad areas of reasoning. They are:-
- Verbal Reasoning
- Analytical Reasoning
Syllabus for the 2021 NMAT examination in the Verbal Reasoning category:-
The Verbal Reasoning section includes the following topics:
- Statement and Argument Questions
- Statement and Inference Questions
- Statement and Assumption Questions
- Critical Reasoning
- Decision making and Course of Action
Syllabus for the 2021 NMAT in the Analytical Reasoning category:-
Analytical Reasoning syllabus for NMAT by GMAC includes the following major topics:
- Linear and Circular Arrangements
- Blood Relation Questions
- Classification
- Syllogisms
- Coding Questions
- Direction Questions
- Series Questions
- Input-Output questions
- Alphabet Test Questions
- Matrix Type Questions
- Symbol Based Questions
- Other Reasoning Questions
How to complete the 2021 NMAT Examination Syllabus for the Logical Reasoning section. The Key Tips are:-
The 2021 NMAT exam syllabus for this section can be completed with some very regular practice. There will be a total number of 36 questions in the Logical Reasoning section on the NMAT by GMAC examination. The candidate needs to answer them in around 40 minutes, so he or she can have about 1 minute to solve each of the given below the question.
The candidate needs to cover the 2021 NMAT Exam Syllabus in major two areas of the Reasoning i.e Verbal Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning.
Therefore, to complete the 2021 NMAT Examination syllabus, the candidate must need to read every part of the question very carefully and he or she has to make sure that they have looked at each of their answer choices before selecting their last and final answer.
Also while attempting the exercises, the candidate should not speculate or use any kind of information that is not provided in the given question in the test. And please note that the Logical reasoning section is not trying to assess their general knowledge, so they should use only the information that is given in each of the statements to arrive at the correct answer.
The candidate should pay special attention to some of the words like ‘all’, ‘some’ or ‘none’ when they read the factual information that will be provided in each of the questions. Moreover, some other words like ‘other than, ‘only’ or ‘unless’ are also very important. These kinds of words can play a very important role in determining the facts.
The candidate is suggested to try to represent the given information pictorially, especially in the arrangement type questions, or as a Venn diagram in the syllogism type questions.
And please note that the Logical Reasoning skills cannot be developed overnight or a single attempt, therefore, the candidate needs to make sure that he or she spends enough time to cover all the different topics as it was outlined above in the NMAT exam syllabus and practice all the variety of questions while attempting the Logical Reasoning questions and analysing their mistakes.
The 2021 NMAT Syllabus for the Quantitative Skills section:-
- Total number of Questions: 36
- Time Limit allotted to Attempt the particular Section: 52 minutes
The 2021 NMAT Syllabus and Examination Pattern for the Quantitative Skills section cover all the topics on Mathematics. Nonetheless, the quant questions as per the 2021 NMAT Syllabus and Examination Pattern will not be very hard in the forthcoming exam.
One of the significant points to note in the 2021 NMAT Syllabus and Exam Pattern on Quantitative skills section is that the section includes the questions not only on Quant but also on the Data Interpretation and the Data Sufficiency. A major part of the 2021 NMAT by GMAC Syllabus on the Quant section remains rational. But still, a few hard questions are placed randomly on some of the topics that are covered in the NMAT by the GMAC syllabus.
The questions that can be asked in some various manners and can also be more time consuming and lengthy if not very hard. The Number system, Algebra, PnC, Mensuration, Geometry are the central topics that are covered in the 2021 NMAT by GMAC syllabus in this quantitative skills section.
The Quantitative Skills section in the 2021 NMAT by GMAC Syllabus covers the following topics:
The 2021 NMAT by GMAC Syllabus in the Arithmetic category are:-
- Time & Work
- Simple & Compound Interest
- Percentages
- Ratio-Proportions
- Numbers
- Other Questions on Arithmetic
The 2021 NMAT by GMAC Syllabus in the Algebra category are:-
- Equations
- Inequalities
- Linear Equations
- Log
- Quadratic Equation
- Absolute Value
- Logarithm
- Other questions on Algebra
The 2021 NMAT by GMAC Syllabus in the Geometry & Mensuration category are:-
- Lines
- Triangles
- Polygons
- Angles
- Circles-radius, Tangent, circumference, diameter, chord, Arc etc.
- Cubes
- Square & Rectangles
- 3 Dimensional Figures
- Pythagoras Theorem
- Longest Side Theorem
- Base Angle Theorem
- Quadrilaterals
- Rhombus
- Parallelogram
- Trapezium
- Cylinder
- Cone
- CuboidSphere
The 2021 NMAT by GMAC Syllabus in the Modern Math category are:-
- Permutation & Combination
- Probability
- Progression-Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic, Relationship
- Coordinate Geometry
- Venn Diagrams
- Set Theory
The 2021 NMAT by GMAC Syllabus in the Data Interpretation category:-
- Tables
- Bar Chart
- Line Graphs
- Pie Chart
Review of the Questions or Sections
No kind of review of questions or sections in the 20201 NMAT by GMAC examination is allowed by the authority. So once the candidate has decided the order of sections and completed their sectional attempts within the specified allotted time limit, he or she cannot go back to the earlier sections again.
Eligibility Criteria:-
The Minimum 2021 NMAT Eligibility criteria require graduation in any domain. The 2021 NMAT by GMAC Eligibility Criteria does not specify any kind of minimum percentage of the total marks in the candidate’s graduation to appear in the NMAT exam. The NMAT is a national level MBA entrance test based on computers leading to the MBA admission of the aspirant in the top MBA colleges like NMIMS Mumbai, SPJIMR Mumbai (PGMPW), VIT Vellore, ISB (Certificate programme), XIM Bhubaneswar and many other MBA colleges in India.
One of the most crucial points in the 2021 NMAT Eligibility Criteria for the NMIMS is that apart from the needed recognized graduate degree, the candidate must be registered and should have applied for the 2021 NMAT by GMAC and also must need to score well marks to become eligible for the following admission.
The candidates, who have passed the exam or, have appeared for the graduation examination from a college or University where their Grade Point Average is given, must need to produce the equivalent percentage for the GPA/CGPA that is obtained in writing from the college or university concerned.
An important point in the 2021 NMAT by GMAC Eligibility Criteria for the MBA course admission in the NMIMS is that the candidates who are appearing for the final year bachelor’s degree or the equivalent qualification examination and those candidates who have completed the degree requirements and are waiting for their results are also eligible to apply for the NMIMS.
The 2021 NMAT Eligibility makes it the only responsibility of the candidates to verify whether they acquire the necessary and requisite qualification for admission at the NMIMS, as the confirmation of the documents is done at the time of final admission only.
The 2021 NMAT Eligibility Criteria for the NMIMS admission 2022 also illustrate that the candidates having two and more years of post-qualification work experience will be chosen for admission for all the full-time MBA/PGDM programmes available there.
The 2021 NMAT Eligibility criteria further state that the candidate must need to have appeared for all the subject(s) or exams before the opening of the respective program(s) of the NMIMS. The examination of none of the subjects should be held after the opening of the respective course.
The 2021 NMAT by GMAC: it’s Key Features and Highlights-
Some of the most extraordinary features of the 2021 NMAT examination that will help the candidates to perform better, improve their performance and play to their strengths with added amenity and flexibility this year are:
The long testing window.
The equal weightage to all the sections and no kind of negative marking for any incorrect answer.
There is a total number of 108 questions instead of a total of 120 questions while the exam duration still remains 120 minutes, therefore, the time advantage is very lucrative this year.
There is a two retake opportunity for every candidate to improve their score available.
The instant score preview and the official scorecard are available within the 48 hours for the Candidates and the Schools.
GMAC is found to offer a Free Official practice exam to the candidates, for them to practice and get familiarise with the original examination pattern. It’s called the NMAT by GMAC Official Practice Exam 1 which is totally Free. Two free attempts are available for each and every candidate attempting for it.
The testing options at the test centre is provided with the social distancing norms & online proctored at home i.e with all the safety precautions keeping in mind.
There is 73 conveniently located testing centres whole across the 68 Indian Cities.
The 2021 NMAT by GMAC Online Proctored Exam at Home is available on certain allotted dates within the examination period and the slots will be booked on a first come first serve basis.
3 Section Exam with the facility of Self Scheduling
The NMAT by GMAC™ is a computer-based exam and has three sections – Language Skills, Quantitative Skills and Logical Reasoning. NMAT allows candidates to choose the exam mode, date, time and location of the exam at the candidates’ convenience.
NMAT is approved by the NMIMS University and 30+ leading B-schools, colleges and Universities. One can self-schedule or reschedule and take the NMAT 2021 exam on any preferable date in one of the two ways – one, at a Test Centre or two, as the Online Proctored Exam from Home is suggested. The top MBA colleges and universities are accepting the NMAT 2021 including NMIMS Mumbai, VIT, XIMB among others.
How to Pay the NMAT Fee?
Payment for the NMAT fee is suggested to be made online. The payment forms there that are accepted to make the NMAT test fee payment are:
Debit card
American Express
Diners Club
Internet banking
NMAT Admit Card: the dates to Download them, how to download them and Test Day Guidelines
The 2021 NMAT Admit card will be published by GMAC, 24 hours after the candidate’s successful registration and after the completion of his or her payment of the total NMAT exam fee. The year 2021 NMAT exam dates are from October 14 to December 27. It is a test based on a computer which one can take from your home in the online mode or at the test centres in the offline mode. The 2021 NMAT will lead to the MBA admission of 2022 in more than 30 MBA colleges and universities that includes colleges and universities like NMIMS, ISB, SDA Bocconi, SPJIMR, XIMB, VIT among many others. The registration and Application process for NMAT 2021 is opened from August 3 to November 10, 2021, with a registration fee of Rs. 2300/-.
The 2021 NMAT Admit Cards will be issued to all the candidates whose application has successfully been submitted for the 2021 NMAT till November 10, 2021, without any kind of late fee or November 15, 2021 (with late fee).
Details in NMAT Admit Card 2021:-
The 2021 NMAT exam admit a card is a form of a document that includes the candidate’s NMAT registration details and his or her photograph. To take the NMAT 2021 exam, he or she is required to carry and create the hard copy of their NMAT Admit Card 2021 along with the other needed documents at the exam centre on the NMAT by GMAC exam day as planned by the candidate and then he or she must get it signed by the exam administrator at the designated place on the day of the exam.
How to Get the 2021 NMAT Admit Card 2021 and its procedure:-
During the registration process, the candidate is required to upload his or her photographs as per the specification provided on the official registration website.
He or she can print their Admit Card with the photograph after the fee payment is accepted by the GMAC
After the registration is completed and the fee payment is received by NMAT by GMAC, he or she will receive an official e-mail at the e-mail id specified by the candidate himself or herself in the online NMAT application form, that confirms his or her registration for the 2021 NMAT exam.
He or she can plan their NMAT exam through the scheduling exam table in the provided candidate dashboard that is available in his or her NMAT account. The candidate needs to choose the date, the time slot and the location of their preferred subject to the availability on a First Come First Serve basis. The Pearson VUE system provided there shows the availability of seats at the test centre on a real-time basis.
Within 24 hours of the planning the test, he or she will receive a confirmation e-mail that will mention their test venue name and provided with the venue address along with the date and the time of the test.
Now one can download their NMAT by GMAC Admit Card from their NMAT by GMAC account.
The candidate must need to carry the hard copy of the NMAT admit card to the exam centre on their exam day.
The candidate must make sure that the exam administrator signs the Admit Card at the designated place.
The candidate will not be allowed to seat for the exam if the exam administrator is not able to match their photo.
The NMAT admit card is also issued for the NMAT exam retake or rescheduling.
No kind of Hard Copy of the NMAT Admit Card is sent by GMAC
After the success of the NMAT registration, the candidate must download their NMAT Admit card from the “Admit Card” tab that is provided in the NMAT by GMAC account. Nonetheless, GMAC will never send the hard copy of the NMAT Admit card.
- The candidate needs to carry his or her NMAT Admit card to the NMAT Exam Centre.
- If he or she is appearing in the online mode of the computer-based NMAT exam at the exam centres, he or she will need the hard copy of your NMAT Admit Card 2021, the Photo ID, the confirmation letter and the photocopy of the primary ID which all should be carried to enter the NMAT by GMAC examination centre. The following documents are required to be attained at NMAT Exam Centre:
- The candidate needs to carry and produce the NMAT Admit card along with all the necessary IDs and the confirmation letter on the day of the test to allow them to take the NMAT exam. One photocopy of their Photo ID for the submission at the test centre is also required.
- A photocopy of the Primary ID is required for the submission at the Test centre.
- A copy of the Xth class certificate is required in case there is a mismatch in the name written between the Xth class certificate and the Test taker ID.
- A confirmation email is required which can be shown on a mobile device or can also be taken as a printout.
Step by Step Process for how to Download the 2021 NMAT examination Admit Card:-
The candidate needs to download their NMAT Admit Card 2021 from their NMAT account.
The candidate need not wait for any kind of hard copy of the NMAT 2021 Admit card as it is not required and will not be sent.
The candidate can take the printout of the 2021 NMAT admit card and affix his or her photograph on it in the provided space on it.
The candidate must need to carry the 2021 NMAT Admit Card to the exam centre as it is the most important document to appear in the exam.
The candidate can download their NMAT Admit Card from their dashboard but he or she can do it only after the fee payment of the Application is realized.
NMAT Admit Card and its Mandatory Document:-
The 2021 NMAT Admit card is a form of document that includes the test taker registration details and his or her photograph on it.
The test takers can download their Admit Card from the “Admit Card” tab that is provided in the NMAT by the GMAC account.
It is mandatory for the candidate to carry their admit card along with required IDs, their confirmation letter provided by them and the photocopy of the primary ID of the candidate to be allowed to enter to the NMAT test centre.
The 2021 NMAT Admit Card for the Retake of the examination:-
The candidate can download his or her NMAT Admit Card for the Retake examination of the exam from their NMAT account.
The same card with the Retake exam date will be available for them to download.
The candidates can retake the registration option will be enabled in their NMAT dashboard after providing their exam date.
The candidate needs to register for their retake examination by simply clicking on the Retake section and can pay the retake registration fees immediately.
There is no need to fill in all the details all over again as it was provided earlier already.
Once the registration for the retake examination is complete and the retake examination registration fees are paid, the candidate will be able to plan and schedule their retake exam.
The 2021 NMAT by GMAC Admit Card instructions:-
The NMAT 2021 Admit card specifies the test day documents that are needed along with the 2021 NMAT Admit card for the verification and the test taking at the 2021 NMAT exam centres in India. These are listed below:-
-The candidate needs to print out of the confirmation email that they got.
-The candidate’s Admit Card: The candidates are expected to download their NMAT Admit Card from their NMAT account and also take the print out of the same to carry them to the test centre.
-The photocopy of the Photo ID for the submission at the test centre.
-The candidate is expected to carry the other required documents as advised by the NMAT by GMAC for their differently able candidates.
-One valid Photo ID and another with the signature ID in the original form must be presented from the list below for candidates who are taking their NMAT exam in India: (Only one from the list is needed)
The passport issued by the Government of India
The PAN Card issued by the Government of India
The candidate’s Voter’s ID Card
The candidate’s UID/Aadhaar Card
The List of Secondary IDs, the one that contains the candidate’s name and signature.
The Passport that is issued by the Government of India.
The PAN Card that is issued by the Government of India.
The Debit/Credit Card issued by the bank.
The candidate’s Driver’s License.
NMAT Admit card 2021: Some Key points to be remembered
- The candidate must get their NMAT exam Admit Card signed by the test administrator at the designated venue or place on the very day of the NMAT exam.
- The candidate must produce the same signed 2021 NMAT by GMAC Admit Card if he or she is opting to retake the NMAT examination. The candidate is also suggested to check that this 2021 NMAT Admit card is duly signed and also stamped by the test administrator at the designated venue or place.
- The candidate must check if their printed photograph on his or her 2021 NMAT Admit Card is clearly visible. If the photo is blank or clearly not visible, then he or she must contact the help desk on the official NMAT website or he or she can also send an email to update the photo. He or she will not be allowed to take the exam if the test administrator is not able to match the photo.
- No admission without the 2021 NMAT Admit Card to the Test Centre or venue. If the candidate does not carry his or her 2021 NMAT examination Admit Card to the test venue or centre on the day of their scheduled exam, he or she will not be allowed to appear in the test or seat for the exam.
The 2021 NMAT Cut off: The expected Expected check and the MBA Colleges Cut off of the previous year
There are more than 50 MBA colleges and universities present in our country India and abroad that will use the 2021 NMAT cut offs for MBA admission 2022. In the country India alone, the NMAT exam cut offs are applicable and allowed in more than 30 MBA colleges and universities who are accepting the candidate’s 2021 NMAT score marks for their MBA admission in the year 2022. The NMAT by GMAC is conducted by Graduate Management Admission Council from October to December in two different testing modes i.e one, as an online computer based test at the provided exam centres and two, as the proctored internet based test from the convenience of the candidate’s home.
Apart from the NMIMS Mumbai, XIMB, VIT Vellore, SPJIMR (Specialized programs); Ahmedabad University Amrut Mody School of Management; Bennett University, O.P. Jindal University, are the new additions to the list of the MBA colleges and universities who are accepting the candidate’s NMAT score marks for their admission to the year 2022-24 batch.
The NMAT 2021 cut offs in the top MBA colleges and universities in the country India like NMIMS, XIMB, VIT among with many others are moderately high in the range of 92-96 percentile.
These institutes will offer the MBA admission in the year 2022 on the basis of the 2021 NMAT examination score cut offs. These institutes are autonomous, University B-schools are offering the MBA degree course or the private PGDM colleges and universities. The 2021 NMAT cut offs in these MBA colleges and universities accepting the NMAT scores marks will vary from institute to institute. Apart from the overall NMAT cut offs, the NMAT accepting colleges and universities are also considering the NMAT sectional cut offs in shortlisting the candidates for their admission.
The 2021 NMAT exam takers who are searching for the MBA admission will be looking for the best and top MBA colleges and universities who are accepting the NMAT score marks where they can go and apply. The relevant information on the expected NMAT cut offs, placements and fees will guide them to choose the right B-school.
The NMAT Preparation strategy for the 2021 NMAT examination should ideally be confirmed well in advance as per the new 2021 revised NMAT examination pattern and the revised Syllabus. The 2021 NMAT exam will be held in a 75 day Test Window from October 14 to December 27 in the year 2021 with an option to choose one of the two provided testing modes i.e Online computer based exam at test centres or the Centrally proctored Internet Based Test which the candidate can take from home. The NMAT 2021 exam score will be the lead to taking admission in the prestigious MBA 2022 programmes at NMIMS Mumbai, XIMB, VIT and many other MBA colleges.
Within the 75 days available to appear in the NMAT exam, the questions like how to finalize the NMAT Exam preparation in the year 2021 can be answered nicely and the preparation can also be well planned with a score mark target of more than 90 percentile. Even if a candidate who does not start the NMAT by GMAC preparation 4-5 months in advance, he can ace the exam of the NMAT 2021 preparation strategy now. A rational difficulty level exam, NMAT preparation can be done in just 2-3 months. One can appear in the NMAT exam after making a good NMAT by GMAC exam preparation within this short limited period.
NMAT Preparation Strategy: Some Key points to focus on
- The 2021 NMAT Preparation should really focus on the following 8 key points:
- The NMAT Exam structure: The candidate needs to prepare according to the changes brought by the authorities.
- The NMAT Preparation Time i.e How to Utilize the time.
- The NMAT Syllabus: The preparation of the candidate should be as per the new and revised syllabus topics.
- The NMAT Preparation Books: The candidate is suggested to get the Best Books & Other NMAT Study Material.
Therefore, in conclusion, all the things one needs to know about the 2021 NMAT exams like its syllabus, preparation, admit card, and many more things about it is explained in detail in the above article and if one takes a look at it he or she will be sure of their decision and won’t have any doubts or i
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