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Becoming a Doctor in the Australia as an International Medical Graduate (IMG)

Becoming a Doctor in the Australia as an International Medical Graduate (IMG)

Becoming a Doctor in Australia:

Becoming a doctor in Australia as an International Medical Graduate (IMG) involves a structured process. Here is an in-depth guide to assist you as you navigate through the process.:

Step 1: Eligibility Assessment:

Process: Verify that your medical degree is recognized by the Australian Medical Council (AMC).

Apply for an assessment of your qualifications through the AMC.

Expense: AMC Assessment Fee: AUD 3,665 (as of the last update).

Step 2: English Language Proficiency:

Process: Demonstrate proficiency in English by taking an approved language test such as IELTS or OET.

Meet the minimum required scores set by the medical board.

Expense: English Language Proficiency Test Fee: Varies but approximately AUD 330 to AUD 400.

Step 3: Competent Authority Pathway (CAP):

Process: If your primary medical qualification is from a competent authority, you may be eligible for the Competent Authority Pathway.

Apply for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) through the CAP.

Expense: CAP application fee: Varies.

Standard Pathway costs may include enrolment fees for AMC exams and courses.

Step 4: Standard Pathway:

Process: If your medical qualifications are not from a competent authority, you may need to follow the Standard Pathway.

Enroll in an approved program of study, such as the Australian Medical Council’s (AMC) examination programs.

Step 5: AMC Examinations:

Process: Depending on the pathway, you may need to pass various AMC exams, including the AMC MCQ Exam, Clinical Exam, and others.

Expense: AMC MCQ Exam Fee: AUD 2,680 (as of the last update).

Clinical Exam Fee: AUD 5,010 (as of the last update).

Step 6: Provisional Registration:

Process: After completing the required exams, apply for provisional registration with the medical board in the state or territory where you intend to practice.

Expense: AHPRA Registration Fee: Varies by state but is approximately AUD 724.

Step 7: Supervised Practice:

Process: Undertake a period of supervised practice under the conditions of your provisional registration. This may involve working under the supervision of a registered medical practitioner.

Expense: Potential relocation and living expenses during supervised practice.

Step 8: Full Registration:

Process: Once you have completed the required supervised practice and met other criteria, apply for full registration with AHPRA.

Expense: Full Registration Fee: Varies but approximately AUD 1,385.

Step 9: Apply for Residency or Further Training:

Process: Apply for residency positions or further training programs in your chosen medical specialty.

Secure a position through the relevant medical recruitment process.

Expense: Application fees for residency programs may vary.

Step 10: Continuous Professional Development:

Process: Engage in ongoing professional development activities to maintain and enhance your medical knowledge and skills.

Considerations and Tips:

Visa Requirements:


Costs associated with attending conferences, workshops, and courses for professional development. Budget for visa application fees and associated costs for living in Australia during your training. The total estimated expenses for the entire process can range from AUD 15,000 to AUD 30,000 or more, depending on individual circumstances, the pathway chosen, and lifestyle choices. Ensure that you meet the visa requirements for international medical practitioners in Australia. Apply for an appropriate visa to live and work in Australia during your training and practice.

Cost Considerations:

Budget for examination fees, visa fees, living expenses, and potential costs associated with additional training or courses.

State-Specific Requirements:

Be aware that registration and licensing requirements may vary between states and territories in Australia.

Networking and Support:

Connect with local medical communities, support groups, and IMG networks for guidance and support.

Stay Informed:

Regularly check the official websites of the AMC, AHPRA, and relevant medical boards for updates and changes in regulations.

Financial Planning Tips:

Scholarships and Grants:

Explore available scholarships for international medical graduates.


Create a detailed budget plan to manage expenses effectively.

Part-Time Work:

Explore part-time work opportunities during studies (keeping in mind visa regulations).

Loan Options:

Investigate loan options for international medical graduates.


Becoming a doctor in Australia as an IMG involves a financial investment and careful planning. Stay informed about the latest fees, regulations, and opportunities to make informed financial decisions throughout your journey. Always check official sources for the most up-to-date information.

Read More: Study in Australia

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